The Different Types Of Pipe Fittings For Water Treatment Systems

In any water pipe network, for water supply and management, along with the pipes, fittings are an important component. They serve an important function in securing effective connections between pipes, ensuring well-connected and reliable networks while also serving to join or divert connections. In water treatment systems too, the pipes are connected with the help of a range of fittings. These include some standard fittings that are also used in other pipe networks, along with some specialized fittings. Here is a brief list of some of the types of pipe fittings used in water treatment systems:

1.       Reducers: When two pipes of different diameters are to be fitted together, a reducer type water pipe connector is used. This may be in the form of an elbow, tee or a socket, distinguished on the basis of the function they serve.

2.       Bushings: When the diameter of a pipe is to be reduced, a bushing type fitting is used. Bushing pipe fittings

3.       Traps: In water treatment systems, traps are also used as a type of fitting. These are installed to prevent the flow of pollutants, particles and gases to the different chambers during the treatment process.

4.       Elbows: Where bends are required in the pipe network of a water treatment system, an elbow pipe connector is used. The elbow may bend the connection by a few degrees, depending on the type of fitting offered by the manufacturer of water pipes and fittings.

5.       Junctions: Junction water pipe fittings serve different functions according to the need. They may be elbows or reducers and often feature a T-shaped design with an angled leg, which is why they are also known as the Y-T joints. They are fitted at the junction of the connections, connecting main lines to subsidiaries.

6.       Collars: They are used to join two pipes of the same length in a drainage system as well as in water treatment systems. The collar is used to fix the position of the pipe and secure it to give a reliable system.

For the best water pipe fittings and connectors for water treatment systems and other pipe networks, choose the sustainable solutions from Wavin, one of the leading manufacturers of plastic pipes and fittings for water supply and management in the world.


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